Blueprint of Educational Support for Maryland’s Future

The Maryland Association of Boards of Education (MABE) has assembled links to the actual Blueprint Legislation as well as details of what is included in the legislation. This website from MABE identifies several topics related to the Blueprint.

"Making Sense of the Blueprint" is an excellent source for more details about the contents of the Blueprint. 

In the section just above “Making Sense” are links to the actual Blueprint laws, to 

HB 1300 from 2020 and HB 1372 from 2021.

Scroll down to find additional details for each of the five policy areas included in the Blueprint: Early Childhood Education, High-Quality and Diverse Teachers and Leaders, College and Career Readiness Pathways, More Resources to Ensure All Students are Successful and Governance and Accountability.

Another source of information about the Blueprint is from The Maryland State Education Association (MSEA) that has published a short explanation of the Blueprint.