Join Us
After learning about the Blueprint and its power to transform Maryland’s education system and provide a world-class education for ALL students, please join WCG-MD to support the successful realization of the Blueprint’s promises. Volunteers share their passion and skills in many areas including: equity, early childhood education, opportunities for career training, conducting research, and preparing and delivering presentations. What do you bring to this important effort? Share your time, skills, passions and experiences. To help you decide how you might contribute to our work, the following provides information about specific areas of focus for WCG-MD.
The key to lifelong learning, which is required in the 21st Century, is what happens pre-birth to kindergarten. We have an emphasis on this vital time in life. If you think your skills and interests could be useful in addressing this period in our children’s lives, please complete the form at the bottom of this page with a subject of Pre-K and provide any additional information you would like in the “I would like to” section of the form.
K-10th Grade
In and out of school learning during the first 11 years of school will be the basis for all learning throughout life. Most will have several different careers during their working life, so this grounding is fundamental. If you think your skills and interests could be useful in addressing this period in our children’s lives, please complete the form at the bottom of this page with a subject of K-10 and provide any additional information you would like in the “I would like to” section of the form.
Grades 11 and 12 - College and Career
This is a period when students are making a career choice including what it will take to be successful in their first career. Learning what is available and starting seriously down that road is important for every student. The society must be ready for them with 21st Century pathways to careers and training or college opportunities to gain the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to succeed. We have interest in the speed with which these supports are developed and how they will be presented for all students to be able to participate. This is new and calls for new cooperation. If you think your skills and interests could be useful in addressing this period in our children’s lives, please complete the form at the bottom of this page with a subject of Grades 11 and 12 and provide any additional information you would like in the “I would like to” section of the form.
Teaching as a professional career, training, and professional development
The migration of teaching to a top professional option in our society is essential for our society’s survival. Certification requirements for those preparing to enter the teaching profession and professional development specifications for those in the profession need to be updated to align with the needs and expectations of the Blueprint. Also, the implementation of the career ladder in our schools is a significant step in this direction. These issues need serious attention to ensure success of the Blueprint. If you think your skills and interests could be useful in addressing this important area, please complete the form at the bottom of this page with a subject of Teaching and provide any additional information you would like in the “I would like to” section of the form.
Maryland today is leaving billions of dollars on the table because of racism and other oppressions. The Blueprint must be implemented with the outcome, not just the intent, of EVERY child being successful. Society will benefit in countless ways that will be apparent to all citizens including how pleasant life becomes for all. Therefore, equity in all areas must be the goal. We want to ensure equity is embedded in all aspect of the Blueprint and our work. Our research, analysis and support for policies as well as our public interactions must have an equity focus. If you think your skills and interests could be useful in addressing this important area, please complete the form at the bottom of this page with a subject of Equity and provide any additional information you would like in the “I would like to” section of the form.
Public Communications
WCG-MD intends to communicate the particulars of the Blueprint to all who will listen. It will take all Marylanders to support this paradigm shift in Maryland’s preparation to participate in the world economy by paying attention to the education of all citizens. If you have appropriate skills and interests in helping to communicate with various stratum of citizens, please complete the form at the bottom of this page with a subject of Communications and provide any additional information you would like in the “I would like to” section of the form.